Dale Petroskey
President & CEODallas Regional Chamber
Dale Petroskey is President and CEO of the Dallas Regional Chamber (DRC), which was named National Chamber of the Year in July 2022.
The DRC is one of the largest and most established business organizations in the United States, representing more than 700 member companies. It works to strengthen the economy of the Dallas region by attracting companies and talented workers; improving the talent pipeline through education and skills training; advocating for pro-business, pro-growth policies; and closing opportunity gaps that exist in the region.
Dale has led the DRC since April 2014. His career also includes service as Assistant White House Press Secretary to President Ronald Reagan; Senior Vice President for Mission Programs at National Geographic; and President of the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum in Cooperstown, New York.
Dale is a member of numerous boards, including The Alfalfa Club of Washington D.C.; SMU’s Lyle School of Engineering; EducateDallas; KERA, the Dallas-Ft. Worth public radio and TV station; the Dallas Mavericks Advisory Council; and the Texas Rangers Baseball Foundation.
Dale and his wife, Ann, both graduates of Michigan State University, have three grown children and three adorable grandchildren.
Meet the Laureates Q&A Series: Dale Petroskey
Read on to discover how Dale’s journey—from Capitol Hill to National Geographic to the Dallas business community—has been shaped by a commitment to make others’ lives better every step of the way.
What’s one key decision or moment that shaped your career?
Dale Petroskey: I was a Chief of Staff to a congressman on Capitol Hill when I received a call from Larry Speakes, President Reagan’s Press Secretary, asking if I would join his team as Assistant White House Press Secretary in the West Wing. That moment changed my life and career.
How do you approach mentoring the next generation of leaders?
Dale Petroskey: I take an interest in those who have shown me they truly want to learn and grow and then listen to them and offer guidance and advice – often through stories based on the experiences I’ve had in my career.
How has giving back to the community influenced your leadership and your approach to business?
Dale Petroskey: Virtually every one of my roles has had an element of public service, so I’ve always understood that the ultimate mission in life is to do well and do good – to make others’ lives better as you move through life.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received, and who gave it to you?
Dale Petroskey: My boss on Capitol Hill, Congressman Bill Goodling, once told me the surest path to a successful life and career is to do two things every day – work really hard and be really kind.
If you could go back and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Dale Petroskey: Take more time to enjoy the sweet moments rather than always looking ahead to the next challenge.
What are you most excited about for the future of Dallas and its business community?
Dale Petroskey: Dallas and the surrounding region are experiencing record prosperity – we’ve never seen anything like it, and it won’t last forever. This is a sweet moment in time, which gives us a golden opportunity to narrow opportunity gaps that exist in our community so that ALL people can share in this prosperity. We can make tomorrow even better than today for so many more people.